Our Story
Technically, Fright-Rags started in 2003. But the reality is, its beginnings go back even further...to October 31, 1981 in the back of a family-owned deli. I was four years old, and my parents picked me and my siblings up from trick-or-treating to go to their friends' place for a small Halloween get-together. Our friends lived behind the store they owned, and we made our way through the deli, and into what was their living room. Their kids were much older than me, as were my siblings, so they all ran off together to play. I contentedly sat down and counted my evening haul. Once I was done, I was bored...so I approached my mom, tugged on her shirt and pleaded with her to go home. They were having a good time playing cards and definitely not ready to leave, so she just looked at me and said, Go watch some tv, dear."
I walked over to the family tv set, turned it on, and sat down about 10 inches away from the screen. That's when I heard it. The screen was black and the music came on...then the pumpkin. And that music. I couldn't stop watching. Then the words..."John Carpenter's Halloween". There I sat for the next two hours, approximately 10 inches from the screen, and completely mesmerized. The funny thing is, I don't remember being scared - just completely taken in by it all. Once it was done, I wanted more... Thus began my love affair with horror which continues to this day.
Fast forward to 2003; I had been at my graphic design job for a year and had some creative steam to let off. I spent a lot of my free time conversing with other horror fans on various forums (this was way before Facebook, and even MySpace), and I noticed this really cool community of fan made props and art. Some amazing things were being made; Freddy gloves, Michael Myers masks, Jason masks, etc. It sparked something in me that wants to create... But I didn't have those kind of skills. I was, however, a graphic designer. Also, I'd had an affinity for interesting t-shirts since I was a kid; it was my souvenir of choice on vacations, and I'd always look for different ones that represented things I like such as skateboarding, BMX bikes, movie characters, etc. Then i got to thinking - I don't really have any horror shirts. I combed the internet to see what kind of horror shirts were out there and while I found some, they weren't my style. So, I started coming up with my own designs. Once I had a few done, I talked to a friend of mine - Justin Mabry who runs Nightowl Productions and is also co-founder of Trick or Treat Studios - and he encouraged me to share them on his forum, which I was an active member on. The feedback was not only instant, but overwhelmingly positive.
So, over the course of Labor Day weekend in 2003, I came up with a name, basic logo, and website. Then, I plunked down $600 (way more money than I could afford) on my very first run of shirts and held my breath. That Friday, September 2, 2003, I received my first ever order. I was in business. Since then, our focus has always been on making the most kick-ass t-shirts, and backing them with the best possible service. To do that it takes a team effort, and I have been extremely fortunate to work with not only amazing artists, but the people who come to work here every day. Together, we put our heart and soul into everything we do, and are grateful to you for giving us the opportunity to do what we do. Thank you, and stay tuned...we have such shirts to show you...
Ben Scrivens, President
Shipping and Logistics Manager
I'm Heather, born raised and currently live in Rochester, NY. I've been a horror fan for as long as I can remember. Slasher flicks are my top choice in horror movies. The original Halloween Series is my favorite, with Friday the 13th being second.
Production Manager

Office Manager
Introduced to John Carpenter's 1978 masterpiece Halloween at a very young age, is what kick started my love, obsession and adoration for not only Horror but Halloween the holiday as well. There's nothing better than the feeling that movie gives you while watching it. Not to mention the incredible soundtrack!
Along Halloween, some of my other Horror favorites growing up included Fright Night, Popcorn, A Nightmare On Elm Street, Terror Train, When A Strangers Calls Back, and Halloween III. I also have an "unhealthy" obsession with the movie Hocus Pocus ;).
Halloween the holiday means just as much to me as my love for Horror. My most favorite memories are of when I was younger and my mom would hand make my one of a kind, priceless, unique vintage costumes that I felt alive in, and often won Best Costume in at our local town costume contests. Mom would stay and hand out the candy to all of our trick or treaters while dad took us kids around. Creating memories that will last me a lifetime. The smell of the Autumn air, and sound of the crisp Autumn leaves are something I will NEVER forget. Halloween, Horror and FAMILY are my life!
Marketing Director
Born and raised in Ottawa, Ontario Canada, I followed my heart to Western New York in my mid-twenties and have made it my home ever since.
Being in the design industry for over 20 years, I have had my share of amazing projects, but creating horror-related designs for Fright-Rags and working with this devoted group of like-minded horror nerds is a pretty ridiculous dream-come-true.
Lead Customer Support and Production Assistant
Growing up, I learned my favorite horror movies are: Halloween (1978), Dawn of the Dead (1978), Sleepaway Camp 2: Unhappy Campers and The Blair Witch Project. However there are SO many other titles I love to revisit often.
In my spare time, I enjoy crafting, sketching and occasionally filming. I’ve also been a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fanatic since age 9. 29 years later and I’m an adult with a lot of crap…which I love. I’m always down to talk about Horror, TMNT and Disneyland.
Warehouse Supervisor
Her favorite five movies are, in order: Dawn of the Dead (1978), Shaun of the Dead, Day of the Dead, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and A League Of Their Own. If you don't cry at the end, you have no soul. Jes loves customer art requests, so don't be shy...if you have a hankerin' for a quick sketch* of a pizza slice eating a giraffe, by all means, ask.
Thanks for reading this. Jes loves you all. Almost as much as she loves talking in the third person. Almost. (* time permitting. I do actually have to work, ya know.)
Warehouse Assistant & Videographer
To whomever is reading, I’m going to use this opportunity to recommend a horror film that is near & dear to my heart… that’s the 1994 Mike Nichols masterpiece, WOLF. Yes... that is the same Mike Nichols who won Best Director at the Academy Awards over 25 years earlier for The Graduate. And yes… WOLF is a film that stars Jack Nicholson AS A WEREWOLF (along with the outstanding Michelle Pfeiffer and James Spader). Did I mention Jack Nicholson is in it…?I saw it when I was 7 years old and I immediately wanted to be a 50 year old werewolf.
Eric is the writer and director of the award winning short film Pet Monkey starring Sky Elobar of The Greasy Strangler. In addition, Eric has worked on numerous short films for Fright-Rags, most notably November First which starred PJ Soles of Halloween (1978) fame.

Being pretty much a life long fan of the horror genre and all of it's tentacles, my favorite film is Night of the Living Dead. Some other notables are Duel, Night of the Creeps, Halloween II, Friday the 13th Part 2, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Ghostbusters and yes... Nail Gun Massacre.
In my free time I enjoy collecting mostly vintage toys/action figures, TV/movie memorabilia, cereal boxes, VHS, and pretty much anything that I find nostalgic or that would fall under the general category of "awesome"!
I’m so happy to be able to work with and be considered part of the Fright Rags family. It's truly an honor and highlight of my career.
And on a final note... Yes... Harry Cooper was right.